>> Services >> Accounts Receivable Management

Are Invoicing Errors Stalling Your Staffing Business?

Get On Track With BWSI

Sometimes staffing companies get into arguments with clients over invoices. Even though a client approves a timesheet, they may come back to you claiming it contains an error. The timesheet could, for example, have been approved for 35 hours, when the employee actually worked 34 hours. 

Because of the unique nature of accounts receivable management in the staffing industry, an error like this affects both payroll and billing.

The best way to handle accounting issues like this is with staffing software capable of managing both payroll and billing simultaneously. 

BWSI’s TempWizard™ staffing software integrates payroll and billing so data is managed effectively and accounting errors are minimized.

When you outsource your staffing agency’s accounts receivable to BWSI, you never have to worry about whether an error on an invoice will cause problems with the whole account.

We’ll generate your invoices, put statements together, track money received and post payments on your behalf.

When you don’t have to spend resources focusing on your back office, you have the freedom to focus more on staffing.

BWSI has your back office covered.

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